HK Style Milk Tea
Brewista B+ Series 戶外便攜雙層不鏽鋼濾杯+雙層不鏽鋼分享壺
Silver Mona 十週年紀念系列,共五款濾掛式及浸泡式咖啡包,一次收藏各產地和口味的咖啡。你將會品嚐到清香迷人的花香系咖啡、果香味咖啡,以及濃厚香醇的中深焙咖啡,令您品嚐到咖啡的多樣風味。Silver Mona 濾掛式及浸泡式咖啡包方便各種場合飲用,包裝輕便,任何時刻都能享受美味咖啡。S...
View full detailsCeylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional HK style milk tea. The drip tea bags combine...
View full details25g per packBean Origin: EthiopiaManufactured Country: ChinaTaste Profile: Passionfruit, Citrus, English Tea Silver Mona Portable Coffee Brewer is ...
View full details25g per pack Bean Origin: Rwanda Manufactured Country: China Taste Profile: Brown Sugar, Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla Silver Mona Portable C...
View full detailsSilver Mona 十週年紀念系列,共五款濾掛式及浸泡式咖啡包,一次收藏各產地和口味的咖啡。你將會品嚐到清香迷人的花香系咖啡、果香味咖啡,以及濃厚香醇的中深焙咖啡,令您品嚐到咖啡的多樣風味。Silver Mona 濾掛式及浸泡式咖啡包方便各種場合飲用,包裝輕便,任何時刻都能享受美味咖啡。S...
View full detailsTaste Profile: Caramel, hints of citrus flavor with smooth bodyThe Silver Mona Steep Coffee is packaged lightly for your optimal convenience. Simpl...
View full detailsTaste Profile: A brisk blend of coffee with toast aroma and almond taste,an intense experience of nutty flavors with round body.The Silver Mona Ste...
View full detailsThe Silver Mona Steep Coffee is packaged lightly for your optimal convenience. Simply place a coffee packet into the cup and add the appropriate am...
View full details茶皇奶茶和至尊咖啡系列是專為茶餐廳調配的港式茶啡品種,香記咖啡集團以專業的拼茶技術和咖啡烘焙經驗,過去一直為香港的茶餐廳、特色主題餐廳及連鎖式速食店供應多款拼配茶和優質咖啡。
包裝: 180克/包商品簡介: 1.選用優質高山西冷紅茶,專為港式茶餐廳設計。2.茶葉以粗茶 (BOP)、中茶 (BOPF) 及幼茶 (DUST) 混合而成;並以中粗及幼茶為主。3.茶湯鮮明橙紅,奶茶呈琥珀橙紅,茶香清醇,茶味厚實,茶感豐滿,口感醇厚,順滑舒適。4.正宗港式茶餐廳奶茶口味5.適...
View full details包裝: 220克/包- 全新奶茶配方搭配升級茶葉- 採用100%錫蘭高山紅茶- 專為「港式奶茶職人」精心打造- 茶味層次豐富,濃厚度適中港式奶茶的茶葉一般是由不同等級的錫蘭紅茶拼配而成,而錫蘭紅茶的等級是用來表示茶葉的大小、形狀評定茶葉等級的標準,並以粗中幼分為三個等級...
View full details包裝: 220克/包- 全新紅茶配方搭配升級茶葉- 採用100%錫蘭高山紅茶- 專為「港式奶茶職人」精心打造- 著重濃茶香,口感幼滑,回甘持久港式奶茶的茶葉一般是由不同等級的錫蘭紅茶拼配而成,而錫蘭紅茶的等級是用來表示茶葉的大小、形狀評定茶葉等級的標準,並以粗中幼分為三...
View full detailsCeylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional HK style milk tea. The drip tea bags combine t...
View full detailsCeylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional HK style milk tea. The drip tea bags combine...
View full details"Tea gall" is a practice of imitating "silk stocking milk tea". Compared with traditional tea restaurant milk tea,It not only saves the time for br...
View full detailsBlack and white evaporated milk is made from European milk sources and manufactured with strict production standards. For details, please refer t...
View full detailsDetailed description: Trappist Dairy has been deeply rooted in Hong Kong for over sixty years. Our original intention remains unchanged, as we pers...
View full detailsEarl Gray tea is one of the most popular black teas in the world. The reason is that the tea leaves are blended with bergamot. Its unique citrus ar...
View full details"H.K Style Yuan Yang" is a specific brewing method in Cha Chaan Teng, blending milk tea and coffee in a golden ratio, resulting in a unique, rich a...
View full details"H.K. Style Coffee" is a signature beverage in Cha Chaan Teng, which named an essential and unique coffee flavor in the coffee industry. As early...
View full detailsHong Kong Style Ceylon Drip Tea(6g x 8pack) Ceylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional ...
View full detailsCeylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional HK style milk tea. The drip tea bags combine t...
View full detailsEarl Gray tea is one of the most popular black teas in the world. The reason is that the tea leaves are blended with bergamot. Its unique citrus ar...
View full details"H.K. Style Coffee" is a signature beverage in Cha Chaan Teng, which named an essential and unique coffee flavor in the coffee industry. As early...
View full details"H.K Style Yuan Yang" is a specific brewing method in Cha Chaan Teng, blending milk tea and coffee in a golden ratio, resulting in a unique, rich a...
View full detailsCeylon Drip Tea bags are small and convenient, the taste and flavors are most similar to traditional HK style milk tea. The drip tea bags combine t...
View full detailsBlack and white evaporated milk is made from European milk sources and manufactured with strict production standards. For details, please refer t...
View full detailsBlack and white evaporated milk is made from European milk sources and manufactured with strict production standards. For details, please refer t...
View full details相信大家經常睇到一對港產熊貓龍鳳胎「🐼家姐」和「🐼細佬」的可愛視頻片段,見到家姐和細佬不停地解鎖新成就🎉,由開始識叫至近排開始一爬一撲學走路,一起探索新世界!就快到2025年啦!我們特別推出了可愛的熊貓主題班蘭椰香特調。祝 家姐細佬快高長大熊貓寶寶特飲材料1. 加入班蘭醬至杯中2. 加入冰塊3. 加入生椰乳至杯中4. 可加入裝飾🐼🌿🎋註: 可選用一些黑色的裝飾如黑芝麻爆爆珠/班蘭葉/竹葉/熊貓寶寶造型的糖果等5. 一杯可愛的特飲完成了✅一起支持熊貓寶寶快高長大,一起享受這款DIY飲品。期待熊貓BB快d出黎和我們見面!想要更多製作特飲的資訊,可以pm我們啊! #HKCG學堂 #香記飲品教室 #DIY特飲教室 #hiangkiecoffee #hkcg #specialtydrinks #beverage #babypanda #Pandan #Coconut #熊貓寶寶 #班蘭椰香特調 #班蘭 #生椰乳---------------------------------【香記咖啡集團】提供優質咖啡及茶飲,隨時隨地細味動人體驗✅HACCP質量管理 ✅ISO22000
秘魯(Peru) 是全球Arabica咖啡豆的主要生產國之一,也是最大的 #公平貿易咖啡 出口國。高海拔地區的肥沃土壤及明顯的雨旱季節交替氣候,為咖啡豆提供了理想的生長環境。秘魯咖啡豆多採用「水洗法」處理,通過篩除果皮與果肉、發酵及清洗等步驟,去除雜質令瑕疵率低,風味以乾淨的水果或花香著稱,口感清澈明亮、無雜味。Silver Mona - Fairtrade公平貿易咖啡豆甄選秘魯高海拔Arabica農莊咖啡豆,經國際公平貿易組織(Fairtrade International, FI)的認證。確保農莊以天然耕作方式種植,不使用有害農藥,保護生態。同時改善農民生活條件。風味描述: ✧ 處理法: 水洗✧ 生長海拔: >1000米✧ 風味特征: 焦糖甜味,帶有柑橘香氣,口感順滑 當你品嚐到這款咖啡時,✔️同時也在支持保護生態環境及改善咖啡農民的生活。網店有售: #Silvermona #Silvermonacoffee #SilverMona咖啡 #coffee #咖啡 #秘魯咖啡豆 #秘魯咖啡 #Peru #水洗法 #咖啡水洗法 #Fairtrade #公平貿易咖啡豆-----------------------------------【香記咖啡集團】提供優質咖啡及茶飲,隨時隨地細味醉人體驗✅HACCP質量管理✅ISO22000
💫每月新鮮烘焙Brewtiful精品咖啡豆,限時10天開放預購!立即點擊預購 :📣什麼是「微批次」精品咖啡❓Brewtiful向世界各地優秀莊園的咖啡農直接採購,為大家搜羅萬中選一的 #微批次 (Micro-lot) 咖啡豆。微批次是指當莊園的某特定區域的咖啡豆品質優於其他批次時,從中再進一步挑選出更優異的豆。這些咖啡豆沒有固定的培育方式,而是由啡農根據每批豆子的特性進行調整及改進,從而持續提升品質,讓每一批豆的風味都充滿獨特性。「微批次」咖啡產量稀少珍貴,由於人工成本高,品質和風味均達到極致表現。它能滿足精品咖啡迷對咖啡品質和口感層次的執著與追求。💯#香記 #香記咖啡 #香記咖啡集團 #HKCG #HiangKieCoffeeGroup #Brewtiful #BrewtifulCoffeeBean #CoffeeBean #Coffee #咖啡豆 #咖啡 #精品咖啡 #精品咖啡豆 #手沖咖啡 #微批次精品咖啡 #微批次咖啡------------------------------------------------【香記咖啡集團】提供優質咖啡及茶飲,隨時隨地細味動人體驗✅HACCP 質量管理✅ISO22000
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